Wont Come Back Again Its in My Head

buzzing sensation in the head

295 answers - active on January 11th 2022

hello, I am a 32 years quondam female person and I have been suffering from buzzing sensation in the caput for over 3 months now. I besides feel a flickering all over my body ( back, legs, artillery) but by and large in the head. I take seen a nuerologist, MRI,MRA,MRV, results are normal. I was also reffered to an ENT because before all these symtoms started 4 months ago I had a nasal congestion and when I tried to accident the mucus out, I became very silly, felt like the wall was spinning for a few seconds. Since so I had foggy vision for 2 months. My vision eventually better after a few months only the buzzing sensation in my caput has non gone away. feels like its gotten worst because now I also have flickering and pulsing awareness all over my body by and large in my caput. I take seen nigh all type of specialist but cant seem to notice whats causing the trouble. The back of my neck has been pain also and I do hear a audio more than like a sizzling audio, not certain if its coming from cervix, pharynx or ear but these feeling are very disturbing. I feel like I had developed anxiety because its been going on for a while now and still cannot dominion out whats causing information technology. Please help if yous have an thought, thank you in advance!

Asked by Guest on Mar 21st 2007

✔ Superlative answerThis answer is called as the best answer by squad of SteadyHealth medical experts. ✔ Fact checkedFacts in this respond are confirmed in relevant medical resource.

i am 28 i go on on having the buzzing in my head, it does goes away for a while the n it comes dorsum i get it generally in the evening and mornings i dont know why i had information technology for a while i just want to know what is information technology????

by Guest on Mar 23rd 2011

HiHave yous heard virtually SCDS? Do you peradventure think you take similar symptoms..... look at my webpage.groups.msn.com/SCD

Answer by Invitee - Mar 29th 2007

I have too had a buzzing awareness in my head for the past vi years. The only affair that has helped is zoloft, it really takes information technology away, the problem is if I attempt and become off the zoloft information technology comes back.

Answer by Guest - May 7th 2007

I have had buzzing in my caput for about a calendar month. It is bang-up in the morning time, but as the day progresses, information technology gets louder. I have a history of sinus bug. Could this be related to the sinuses?

Answer past sharon k. - Jun 2nd 2008

did you solve your buzzing trouble yet? this happened to me and I successfully solved information technology. let me know if you need any help with this. JR

Answer past Guest - Aug 24th 2008

Reply to invitee post 08/24/08 This just started happening to me a couple of days ago. I recollect it'due south stress related. What's your solution?

Respond by Guest - October 27th 2008

I would dearest to hear about whatsoever solutions anyone has to this problem. I have recently started having the aforementioned problem of the buzzing in the head. Information technology almost feels similar electricity billowy from side to side in your head. If there is a sudden motion around me, I go the buzzing. Or, if I move my optics a certain way I get the buzz. Sometimes I actually don't have to practice annihilation. Right now, I'thou typing and my head is buzzing. If I stand up up, my head volition buzz and so information technology's hard to get my residuum. I exercise suffer from migraine headaches and am working with my neurologist on this problem. He believes me when I tell him nigh this problem and tells me the problem with neurological bug is that there are noises that occur and they are merely hard to describe. I've had an MRI and MRA every year for the past three years and I expect some other one coming up due to this new buzzing. My migraine meds used to help them but they don't anymore. I am having the buzzing at all hours of the day and night. Last night it was all night and at present I'll have it all 24-hour interval. I don't know what it will take for information technology to go away. It will last for days and and so stop for maybe a week or so and and then come dorsum. I was taking 150mg of Topomax 2x a day along with 120mg of Cymbalta 1x as a treatment for migraines. Merely now that the buzzing has started, my doctor feels information technology'south time to stop the Topomax and Cymbalta and expect into other treatments for the migraines. Then, for others out there having the same buzzing bug, is information technology the meds that cause this trouble. Could it be something else? Should I be worried...because I am actually starting to become scared. If anyone has communication, I'd like to hear information technology. PLEASE!

Answer by diana0619 - Dec 13th 2008

I also have had buzzing for nine years. I was given celexa and it was made worse and I discontinued that right abroad. All the same, recently, I went online to find something else to assistance some other problem and information technology was Omega 3 fatty acid capsules and one thousand mg. of Vitamin C. I started taking it and What a divergence! NO buzz at present for 3 days. It is so so strange not having it and a large relief. I am not sure if this was the answer just information technology is the only affair that is making a difference and I am sleeping a little better.

Answer by Invitee - Dec 28th 2008

It is and so comforting to hear other people talk about a problem I was sure no 1 else had. It doesn't sound like any of you are dying and so looks similar I learn to deal with it. That's better than everyone thinking I'm crazy.

Answer by Guest - Jan 13th 2009

Answer by Invitee - Apr tertiary 2009

I have basically the same symptoms, although I remember that I explicate it different. first, my ears started a buzzing sound, it did not last long and information technology is on and off. at present when I consume or yawn its like "crunching" . To add together there are times when there are "fluttering" sensation in the ears lasting for hours, or days. However most annoying is that the dizziness is constant, almost like living in a dream, this is all day everyday. Right, the mornings are not as bad as the progression of the twenty-four hours. The dizziness is like fun house effect and lasts all solar day everyday, sometimes its worse than others, and I practice on occasion take strong spinning, just not very ofttimes. The spinning does non happen later on sudden movement. The only matter that helps me is getting a good nights rest and focusing on something, I remember it helps me forget that its happening, because when I look up...its stronger sensation. Now I dont know if this is making me nervous to the signal that I feel like I am going to have a heart attack, just the feeling is driving me crazy and I actually do sometimes think I am but going to blackness out. Its like a numness to my trunk, non fluttering, but like my muscles are tense (it basically makes me feel uneasy) it makes me very nervous. I accept been to the emergency room, have MRA, MRI taken antibiotics, had an ekg, blood tests everything under the dominicus but noone can figure out what it is. I am 34 years old. this has been going on for about two full years, every unmarried twenty-four hour period. would this explain what you have?

Answer by Guest - May 14th 2009

I've had this problem too for well-nigh ii years. I'thou 37 years sometime. I've seen a neurologist, ENT, allergist, ect. So far, it seems to be related to allergies and food sensitivities. My guess, and information technology's only m y gauge because the drs don't know, is that the allergies and sensitivities make me swell, causing anything that makes a wave (calorie-free, sound, electronics, the microwave, etc) to vibrate the swelling, specially in my ears. Right now, I'g in a small business firm, and the audio of the dishwasher, dryer, and air conditioner makes it actually difficult to be on the laptop. I besides have the encephalon fog, and I used to have the dizziness. I started on a iv day rotation nutrition for the sensitivities, gave upwards soap and started using a cream skin cleanser. Using veramyst works some, as long equally I angle the nozzle straight back against my Eustachian tubes. It seems that it'south my ears that'southward causing the effect. Maybe like the waves are fluttering my eardrums? Maybe that the swelling is distorting it only plenty to where constant low lying sounds are awful. I tin can lookout man tv, but not if the background score is constant. The sound of h2o running is horrible. Eventually, information technology just all makes my eyes injure and everything hurts. Taking allegra helps for the dust allergy, only it doesn't help for the other things that make me peachy upwardly. Earplug work well, unless I am swollen so the plugs hurt, or unless there's something on the earplugs that cause my ears to swell (conditioner, foam safety, etc). Too, in the beginning I had oral galvanization, which was where the different metals in my mouth were creating a battery effect (similar chewing on tin foil), causing a very slight vibration that I didn't pick up on, but my ears did. Having the metal removed helped a ton. In the beginning I tried to go away from everything that caused vibrations (other people'due south cell phones, anything that created radio frequencies - nearly incommunicable). Merely afterwards I figured it was easier to decide what was causing me to react to the waves. And so I focused on what was making me swell. All this has been trial and fault for me. Absolutely horrible feel. People think I'm nuts. One major problem is that beingness already bloated makes yous vulnerable to other sensitivities. Similar poking a bruise. You aren't strong enough to weather the acidity of an orange anymore, when earlier your trunk could handle it merely fine. Instead of ane matter, its everything. For me, figuring out my food sensitivities made me de-swell enough so that I could tell when something else swelled me. That's how I figured out it was soap that was causing a reaction. Is information technology the source? No idea. The good matter is that sensitivities can change. You can desensitize, it just takes a while.

Reply by Guest - Jun 14th 2009

I wonder if the buzzing in your head could be related to your pineal gland. Does the buzzing experience similar information technology'southward coming from the eye of your caput? From what you've said, information technology seems like that could be probable, especially if it feels like electricity bouncing in your head. The pineal gland has been adorned throughout history, mostly from a religious standpoint (and by religious i only mean belief/connection with the divine/God). I've had a lot of stress in my life lately, and I've needed somewhere to turn to feel like I'm on the correct path. I looked into Taoism and take been studying Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu. (yous can read this online, merely google "tao te ching" https://www.steadyhealth.com/posting.php?manner=quote&p=713232) personally, i feel similar this book has helped me understand a lot about myself, and a lot virtually the world around me, by means of understanding myself. honestly i've been trying to go a lot of my friends and family to read it too. I don't call back you're crazy at all; maybe you have a special gift. the essense of what i understand reiterates the ability and balance of the forces of yin and yang; and how nosotros tin can't just go on creating division inside our own lives and viewing opposites every bit opposing forces, because really, yous couldn't accept one without the other. for case, Tao Te Ching says 'every bit presently every bit the world regards something every bit beautiful, ugliness becomes apparent. Equally soon as the globe regards something equally good, other things become evil.' Everything has qualities of either or both yin and yang; Earth is the smashing yang, and heaven is the great yin. I know that if i had a buzzing in my head, i would want to sit still and meditate, just empty my mind. sorry that western technology and medicine isn't helping y'all; perhaps you tin can fix your problem more hands than you thought, with out pharmaceuticals, because afterwards all, in the end, you lot volition accept to make some effort and be the ane to ready your problem, considering no advice given past a specialist volition cure yous magically without you following information technology. The Tao is like a bellows:it is empty even so infinitely capable.The more you use information technology, the more it produces;the more you talk of it, the less you sympathize.Hold on to the center.The unnamable is the eternally real.Naming is the originof all particular things.Free from want, you realize the mystery.Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.She who is centered in the Taocan become where she wishes, without danger.She perceives the universal harmony,fifty-fifty amid great pain,considering she has institute peace in her centre.Stop thinking, and end your issues.tell Quetzalcoatl i said hello

Answer by Guest - Oct 28th 2009

one affair i forgot- Don't search the world looking for what is only establish inside. Many different pursuits in different directions lead to burnout.

Respond past heavenearthreflection128314 - Oct 28th 2009

Is there a proper noun for this? I've been doing some research online and haven't been able to notice anything. The buzzing in my head has been going on for about viii months at present. I learn to tolerate it. It's not severe enough to distract me from my day, although sometimes information technology'll be incredibly loud merely only for a minute or so and and then fades abroad. And information technology never occurred to me that it might have some connection with my congestion until I've read other people having similar symptoms. I'm non sure if my historic period matters at all but I'one thousand nineteen and hoping it'southward not uncommon to happen to folk around my age. Delight let me know any information yous accept because I am very worried. Thanks a bundle, -David.

Answer by Invitee - Nov 16th 2009

Information provided on this site is intended for informational and educational purposes just. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice provided by your physician or other medical professional. If you have or suspect that y'all have a medical problem, promptly contact your physician or wellness care provider. Only your medico can provide relevant diagnosis, prescribe medications and/or put you on adequate therapies.

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Source: https://www.steadyhealth.com/topics/buzzing-sensation-in-the-head

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